Artificial intelligence (AI), which we encounter in many fields today, has also taken its place in the online gaming industry. With the changing face of technology day by day, the concept of artificial intelligence is also evolving, and its content is rapidly expanding. In its simplest form, we consider artificial intelligence as a system that imitates human intelligence to perform limited tasks.
Artificial intelligence, which we initially used in everyday life with simple actions such as making calls with voice commands on our smartphones or offering us similar playlists while listening to music, has already started to create humanoid characters today.
What is NPC (Non-Player Character)?
Artificial intelligence has brought a new dimension to the online gaming industry, which we know as a different universe we know as online gaming.
NPCs also known as non-player characters that are constantly encountered in the games can be created by artificial intelligence.
What are these NPCS?
For example you will buy a product you need from the in-game store, there may be a store staff standing in the store at that time, who does not actually contribute to the game in terms of interaction. In a large city center, a crowd of people scattered around to make it look crowded or enemies coming at you in mass can be examples of NPCs.
NPCs, which could previously be created with simple coding, started to become more realistic with artificial intelligence. It left from being a static image in the game to offering limited interaction and creating more enjoyable moments in the game.
Can Artificial Intelligence Develop A Game?
Online games are part of the fastest growing sectors in the last term. In this popular sector where data is constantly being generated and consumed, AI-powered games have started to appear.
A flow that started with a computer that can play chess. By artificial intelligence bots took their place in the game, today we have reached a point where games are being developed entirely by artificial intelligence.
In these games that you create bodies up to all muscle groups and watch the learning and development of these creatures, you encounter traffic scenarios that question your moral choices, among many others. These are just some of the games that allow you to put yourself in the shoes of the character in the scenario and see the choices you would make.
If you are a person who play online games, you know, after starting the game you’ll be isolated from your environment, you have memories that your reality is in the universe within the game. At the point we have reached today, improvements made through artificial intelligence have enhanced the perceptual reality by enhancing the visual quality of characters or the universe within the game.
In upcoming periods, it is more likely artificial intelligence supported characters in the game will have conversation with you, even they will be teammates with you during the game.
Can you imagine having a conversation with the bots in the game during the day?
We consider it looks very possible in the future.