You can find all the details you’re curious about regarding what a servo motor is and where it is used in our article. Servo motors are the final control elements for commands related to speed and position. A servo motor driver is required to execute these commands, and servo motors are operated together with the servo motor driver.
What Is a Servo Motor?
The importance of the question "What is a servo motor?" is increasing every day. These motors, which are trying to take the place of traditional motors, bring many advantages with them. Their ability to provide high-speed control, low risk of malfunction, ease of repair, and convenient maintenance make these motors even more attractive.
When we ask "What is a servo motor?", it can be described as an electromechanical device that produces speed and torque depending on the provided voltage and current. In other words, it is a rotation motor.
Types of Servo Motor Drivers
We mentioned that motor drivers work together with servo motors. These drivers are divided into two categories.
The types of servo motor drivers are as follows:
DA Driver: It operates with direct current, and it can be digital or analog. It is easy to use.
AA Driver: It operates with alternative current and is either digital or analog. It requires training and knowledge.
The performance of DA drivers is lower compared to AA drivers. Moreover, AA drivers are more expensive than DA drivers.
Types of Servo Motors Based on Operating Principle
Based on the operating principle, there are three types of servo motors: positional, continuous, and linear rotation. In the positional rotation type, there is a 180-degree rotation potential. The gear mechanism prevents the shaft from rotating excessively.
In the continuous rotation type, there is no restriction on the range of motion. The motor determines speed and direction rather than position. In the third type, linear rotation, there is a pinion and rack mechanism that controls the outputs. These mechanisms convert circular motion into linear motion.
Where Are Servo Motors Used?
After clarifying the question "What is a servo motor?" let’s look at the areas where it is used. Servo motors with different structures and characteristics are utilized in various industries.
The areas of use for servo motors are as follows:
Robotics Systems
Printing Industry
Defense Industry
Tool Workbenchs
Conveyor Systems
Food Industry
Beverage Industry
Petroleum Industry
In some industries, high-quality servo motors with superior features can replace traditional motors, hydraulic systems, stepper motors, and pneumatics.